Movie Score
In the aftermath of the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami, a journalist arrives in Nagaoka, a city decimated during a WWII air raid and by the 2004 Chūetsu earthquakes, to report on the disaster; there, she learns about the experiences of its inhabitants and stumbles upon a stage play written by an enigmatic student of her ex-boyfriend.
Movie Cast
Reiko Endo
Kenichi Katayama
Wakako Inoue
Hana Motoki
Young Ririko Motoki
Goro Matsushita
Ryo Takahashi
Takashi Mishima
Akiyoshi Muraoka
Kiyoshi Yamashita
Ririko Motoki
Movie Stats
BudgetNot Given
RevenueNot Given
Production CompanyPSC
Original LanguageJapanese