Movie Score
The "Godfather Of The Kung-Fu Film" created this rousing epic of a seemingly suicidal mission to destroy the Japanese Navy's flagship in 1937, featuring many great actors he had worked with over the years. Their courageous and desperate attempts to do just that comprise the remarkable action in this rousing epic, featuring some of the greatest actors Chang had ever made, was making, and would ever make famous. (IVL)
Movie Cast
Vice Admiral An Qi Bang
Capt. Hu Jing Duan
Song San
Xiao Liu
Cui Hsia
Captain Liang Guan Qin
Sgt. Shao Kang Fa
Sgt. Jiang Ping Guang
Sgt. She Gan
Sgt. Xu Xiang Lin
Major Li
Movie Stats
BudgetNot Given
RevenueNot Given
Production CompanyShaw Brothers
Original LanguageMandarin
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