Movie Score
In 1970s-era Japan, three children, Kazuma Kiryu, Akira Nishikiyama, and his younger sister, Yuko Nishikiyama, are raised together in Shintaro Kazama's Sunflower Orphanage. In the summer of 1980, Yumi Sawamura, a young girl whose parents were accidentally shot and killed during a gang's shootout, joins them in the orphanage. Following a yakuza tradition, the honorable Kazama secretly raises orphans whose parents he has directly or indirectly killed. In return, the children love him as a father and he eventually inducts the teenage Kiryu and Nishikiyama into the Dojima Family, a Tojo Clan affiliate of which he is a senior officer.
Movie Cast
Kazuma Kiryu
Akira Nishikiyama
Yumi Sawamura
Sohei Dojima
Shintaro Kazama
Movie Stats
BudgetNot Given
RevenueNot Given
Production CompanySEGA
Original LanguageJapanese
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