Movie Score
This animated fairy tale for kids tells the classic story of Peter Pan, the boy who never grew up. Determined never to become an adult, Peter stays forever young in a magical word called Neverland, where he leads a band of mischevious kids called the Lost Boys. Unfortunately, Neverland's chief other inhabitant is a pirate named Captain Hook, who would like nothing more than to put a permanent end to Peter's fun.
Movie Cast
Captain Hook / Mr. Darling (voice)
Smee (voice)
Toodles /Nibbs /Slightl / Curly / The Twins
John Darling (voice)
Michael Darling (voice) (as Carol Adams)
Wendy Darling (voice)
Peter Pan / Mrs. Darling (voice)
Additional Voices
Movie Stats
BudgetNot Given
RevenueNot Given
Production CompanyBurbank Animation Studios
Original LanguageEnglish
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