Love City(1986)
Movie Score
In a dystopic and futuristic Tokyo, humanity’s genetic code has gone awry. At the forefront of the technology is Fraud, an organization conducting experiments on people such as Kei and Ai – two escaped “headmeters” with hefty psychokinetic powers. The sinister Mr. Lee wants nothing more to retrieve Ai back to his clutches, as she seemingly holds the key to immense power; Kei wants simply to keep Ai safe; and the evil Lai Lo Ching has his own master plan. Along with the help of the amnesiac headmeter K2 and a trusty sidekick, Kei must fight to protect Ai from the evils of Mr. Lee, Lai Lo Ching, and the state of the world itself!
Production Companies
Movie Cast
Mister J
Kuu Ragua Lee
Li (voice)
Rai Ro Chin (voice)
Movie Stats
BudgetNot Given
RevenueNot Given
Production CompanyToei Animation
Original LanguageJapanese
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