TV Score
The Flintstone Comedy Show is a 90-minute Saturday morning animated series revival of The Flintstones produced by Hanna-Barbera and aired from November 22, 1980 to September 11, 1982 on NBC. Outside North America, the show was released under title of Flintstone Frolics. The show contained six segments: The Flintstone Family Adventures, Bedrock Cops, Pebbles, Dino and Bamm-Bamm, Captain Caveman, Dino and Cavemouse, and The Frankenstones.
Series Cast
Fred Flintstone
Barney Rubble / Captain Caveman / Dino
Wilma Flintstone
Betty Rubble / Wiggy Rockstone
Pebbles Flintstone
Bamm-Bamm Rubble
Frank Frankenstone
Atrocia Frankenstone
Freaky Frankenstone
Mr. Slate
Penny Pillar
Show Stats
Original LanguageEnglish
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