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"Lincoln" was a 1988 American television mini-series starring Sam Waterston as Abraham Lincoln, Mary Tyler Moore as Mary Todd Lincoln, and Richard Mulligan as William H. Seward. It was directed by Lamont Johnson and was based on Gore Vidal’s novel. It covers the time period running from Lincoln’s election as President of the United States to the time of his assassination. When released for home entertainment, the title was changed to "Gore Vidal's Lincoln" Lamont Johnson won an Emmy for directing Lincoln. The film was shot almost entirely in Richmond, Virginia and it cost $8 million to produce.
Series Cast
Abraham Lincoln
Mary Todd Lincoln
William H. Seward
Kate Chase
Elizabeth Keckley
William Sprague
Sen. Charles Sumner
Robert Lincoln
Johnny Hay
Congressman Elihu Washburne
William Herndon
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Original LanguageEnglish
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