Marriage Begins With A Lie(1993)
TV Score
The story follows Ryota Mizusawa, a kitchen unit salesman, and Masumi Sakaki, a hand model and single mother of two children. Due to a real estate scam, both Ryota and Masumi are sold the same apartment. To retain their new home, they decide to pose as a married couple, leading to a series of comedic and heartfelt situations as they navigate their unconventional living arrangement.
Series Cast
Mizusawa Ryota
Sakaki Masumi
Sakaki Kana
Mitani Kaoru
Natsume Shogo
Samejima Mamoru
Samejima Takako
Yoshimoto Masaaki
Mizusawa Tetta
Mizusawa Kyoko
Arishima Tsuneko
Show Stats
StatusReturning Series
NetworkNot Given
Original LanguageJapanese
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