Fraggle Rock backdrop cover
Fraggle Rock poster cover

Fraggle Rock(1983)


TV Score


The Fraggles are a fun-loving community of creatures who live in a subterranean fantasy land where they love to play, sing and dance their cares away, sharing their world with the tiny Doozers and the giant Gorgs. The series teaches empathy and tolerance and encourages children to understand people different from themselves.

Jim Henson


Production Companies

Series Cast

Gerard Parkes photo
Jerry Nelson photo

Jerry Nelson

Gobo Fraggle / Marjory the Trash Heap / Pa Gorg / Uncle Gobo Fraggle / Mervin Merggle / Fishface / Parrot / Architect Doozer / Feenie Fraggle / Radio Announcers (voice)

Steve Whitmire photo

Steve Whitmire

Wembley Fraggle / Sprocket the Dog / Mermer Merggle / Crusty Doozer / Venerable Sage Hambo / Murray the Minstrel / Flange Doozer / Sir Blunderbrain / Club Member #3 (voice)

Karen Prell photo

Karen Prell

Red Fraggle / Balsam the Minstrel / Wingnut Doozer / Judge Gaval Fraggle / Marly Fraggle / Gorg's Killer Souffle / Wingnut Fraggle / Fluffinella / Modem Doozer / The Beast / Baby Tree Creature (voice)

Dave Goelz photo

Dave Goelz

Boober / Uncle "Traveling" Matt / Side Bottom / The World's Oldest Fraggle (voice)

Kathryn Mullen photo

Kathryn Mullen

Mokey Fraggle / Cotterpin Dozer / Crosscut Doozer / Merboo Merggle / Rock Hockey Hannah / Wimple Fraggle / The Old Gypsy Lady / Sally Spotless / Tammy Shrub / Baby Doozer / Doozer #2 (voice)

Bob Stutt photo

Bob Stutt

Muppet Performer / Felix the Fearless / Wandering McMooch / Last of the Lily Creatures / The Avalanche Monster / Bigmouth Fraggle (voice)

Richard Hunt photo

Richard Hunt

Junior Gorg (himself) / Gunge / Mudwell the Mudbunny / Herkimer Fraggle / The Spiderfly / Gillis Fraggle / Turbo / The Genie / Purple Fragglette / Fire Chief Fraggle / Flex Doozer / Background Fraggles (voice)

Show Stats




Original LanguageEnglish

