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Humse Hai Liife is an Indian soap opera aimed at a young audience, which aired on Channel V India. The show premiered on September 5, 2011 and ended on November 30, 2012. The narrative of the show followed a young girl named Sia Dhillon as she struggled with life and friends while pursuing her dream of becoming a boxer. The story is also about Sia's relationship with the characters of Raghav, Arjun, Kabir and others at the Elite school. It ran for 260 episodes, 4 days a week from Monday to Thursday at 7.30pm, from Sep 5, 2011 to Nov 30,2012. Re-runs of this show are coming from 20th May 2013.
Series Cast
Sia Dhillon
Raghav Oberoi
Arjun Thakur
Kabir Lazarus
Aliyah Shenoy
Show Stats
NetworkNot Given
Original LanguageHindi
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